The Courier for Hell


Meido no Hikyaku


Kameya Chubei

Adopted son of a delivery shop in Osaka. After the death of his stepfather, Chubei is in charge of the shop, but neglects his duties due to his obsession with the courtesan Umegawa. When a rich countryman is about to buy out Umegawa’s contract, Chubei counters by stealing from his own client’s money, making him a fugitive. In Kabuki, this is a major wagoto role.

Tsuchiya Umegawa

Courtesan in the Shinmachi pleasure district and Chubei’s lover. She is completely in love with Chubei and, determined to follow him to the end, runs away with him to his hometown in Ninokuchi Village. In the original story, she shows her firmness by questioning him when he suddenly produces a large amount of money to buy her out. In the Kabuki adaptation of the original Bunraku piece, she patiently listens as Hachiemon criticizes Chubei for the same thing.

Tanbaya Hachiemon

A friend running another delivery shop in Nakanoshima. He criticizes Chubei’s behavior in the pleasure quarters in order to discourage him from going there, but his attempts backfire. In the Kabuki adaptation, he is depicted as the bad guy who tries to take Umegawa for himself and is disliked by all the courtesans.

Katsuki Magoemon

Big farm owner in Nara’s Ninokuchi Village and Chubei’s real father. He remarries after the death of Chubei’s mother, but fearing that his son won’t get along with the stepmother, sends Chubei to the Kameya delivery shop with a large dowry. Because his son deals a client’s money, he is torn between his love as a father and his duty to his step-family. In the Kabuki version, he is not a major farmer.


Widow of Kameya’s owner and Chubei’s stepmother. She adopts Chubei and appoints him as the shop’s successor. Even after her husband’s death, she works to maintain the shops reputation as among the top of Osaka’s 18 couriers, and closely watches Chubei’s behavior.


Childhood friend of Chubei. He is the one who Chubei comes to her help when unable to return to his own family. In the Kabuki version, Chuzaburo’s wife makes an appearance in the “Ninokuchi Village” scene.

Tsuchiya Jiemon

Umegawa’s patron, appears in the Kabuki adaptation. He is sometimes set as the husband of Oen. Aware of Umegawa’s attachment to Chubei, he considers refusing Hachiemon’s offer to buy her out.

Izutsuya Oen

Appears in the Kabuki adaptation. The madam of a tea shop in Shinmachi. She is the guardian of Umegawa and Chubei and helps them meet without being noticed by others. When Hachiemon tries to use his financial power, she firmly resists. A major kashagata (older and wiser female) role.