The Stone-Cutting Feat of Kajiwara


Kajiwara Heizo Homure no Ishikiri


Kajiwara Heizo Kagetoki

An elegant and serious warrior. Nominally from the Heike side, he is secretly supportive of the Genjis. He is known to be a skillful appraiser of swords, and when asked to evaluate a certain sword, he immediately recognizes it as a Genji treasure, alerting him to the nature of its owners.

Oba Saburo Kagechika

A dignified villain role. A member of the Heike clan, he has achieved a major victory over the enemy and has gone to Hachiman Shrine to celebrate.

Matano Goro Kagehisa

A rough young character role with a red-painted face, signifying his hot-headedness. He is a warrior with the Heike clan and Oba’s brother, Matano being a nickname. He is by nature a suspicious type.


An old man from a craft shop producing inlaid mother-of-pearl work. A member of the Genji side, he comes in disguise to sell his family’s treasured sword in order to raise money to avenge the clan’s recent defeat. In his desperation to sell, he volunteers to be cut by the sword to prove its worth.


Rokurodayu’s daughter. She offers to sell herself to raise funds for her husband to average the Genji death. She is stopped by her father, who decides to sell the family’s sword instead.