The Stone-Cutting Feat of Kajiwara


Kajiwara Heizo Homure no Ishikiri



The Stone-Cutting Feat of Kajiwara

Writer Matsuda Bunkôdô, Hasegawa Senshi

Bunraku: February 1730, Osaka Kabuki: August 1730, Osaka


Commonly known as Ishikiri Kajiwara. A popular piece in the history genre with a number of classic roles. It is from the third act of a play called Miura no Osuke Kobai Tazuna, which depicts the famed general Yoritomo avenging his loss in a battle at Mt. Ishibashi. This is the only scene that remains in the modern repertoire. There are variations in the title and direction depending on the actor playing the lead role, which is sometimes named Heiza rather than Heizo. Kajiwara Kagetoki, an historical character, is usually portrayed in Kabuki as a villain. This play casts him as a dashing hero with several memorable scenes, particularly the climactic moment when he cracks open a stone basin with a famous sword.


●main graphic [from left]Kajiwara Heizo Kagetoki(Nakamura Kichiemon)、Manpei(Nakamura Kinnosuke)、Oba Saburo Kagechika(Onoe Kikugoro)、Matano Goro Kagehisa(Nakamura Matagoro) May 2013 Kabukiza Theatre


●publication date August 2014