



Monk Narukami

Head monk with supernatural power. He offered a prayer for the imperial family for the birth of a boy on condition they build a new temple. A boy was indeed born, but the family did not keep their promise. In anger, the monk puts the dragon god into a waterfall and stops the rain.

Princess Kumonotaema

Famed as most beautiful woman in court. Her name translates as “gap between the clouds”. She is the lover of Bunya Toyohide and the rival of Nishikinomae, who appears in Kenuki. In exchange for marrying Toyohide, she agrees to take on the mission of seducing the monk Narukami to bring back the rain.

Koku-unbo and Haku-unbo

Literally, “white cloud monk” and “black cloud monk”. Disciples of Narukami. Loyal to their master but not so serious.

Bunya Toyohide

Does not appear in this act. Nobleman famed for his good looks and the master of Kumedera Danjo, the main character in Kenuki. In the subsequent act, Fudo, he marries Princess Kumonotaema.

Prince Hayakumo

Literally “early cloud”. Does not appear in this act. Tries to take over the throne but fails.